CEEISA Doctoral Network

The CEEISA Doctoral network was launched on 24 June 2022 at the CEEISA 2022 convention in Bratislava. This initiative aims to connect and empower doctoral students from Central and Eastern Europe. This is done through needs-driven events, organized with the support of CEEISA. This should help PhD students from the region build their professional capital and bring closer to each other their small and often isolated but geographically proximate and linguistically and culturally familiar PhD communities, who are often working on similar subjects but unfortunately past each other. The network is strongly supported by the CEEISA governing bodies, but it is student-led.

If you would like to join the CEEISA Doctoral Network, please write to filip.ejdus@fpn.bg.ac.rs

Latest events

The CEEISA Young Scholars Initiative 2024

The CEEISA Young Scholars Initiative (CYSI) is a mentoring scheme designed for early career scholars within the International Studies profession, organized and coordinated by the CEEISA Doctoral Network, specifically by Melika Mahmutović and Ajda Hedžet  from University of Ljubljana, Centre for International Relations, in conjunction with the Conference Chairs of the ISA/CEEISA conference in Rijeka and CEEISA organization representatives.

The initiative took place during the CEEISA-ISA Joint International Conference 2024 in Rijeka and consists of two main parts: dedicated panels that took place during the conference, between 18th and 21th June, and a post-conference writing retreat between 21th and 24th of June.

The first part involved participants presenting their papers or parts of their doctoral dissertations and receiving feedback from mentors and peers in a discussion-based format. The second part, a writing retreat held on June 22-23, 2024, at Moise Palace on Cres Island, focused on engaging with the received feedback and further developing papers with mentor support. The writing retreat also featured intensive writing sessions, interactive discussions on the writing process, and guidance on navigating the peer review process. The purpose of CYSI is to provide a platform for students to produce original ideas, improve their skills, and grow their professional networks in a collaborative and supportive environment, with the ultimate goal of fostering academic growth and professional development.

Sincere thanks go to the Program Chairs, Xymena Kurowska (Central European University) and Alena Drieschova (University of Cambridge), as well as the President and Treasurer of CEEISA, Filip Ejdus (University of Belgrade) and Petra Roter (University of Ljubljana), for their invaluable dedication, without which the organization of this initiative would not have been possible! 

Panel Discussions during the CEEISA-ISA conference 

Over the course of the CEEISA-ISA conference, there were seven panels organized as a part of the CEEISA Young Scholars Initiative (CYSI), each focusing on distinct themes within international studies:

  1. Changing International Order

  2. History of Ideas and Concepts

  3. Ethnographic Perspectives, Complexities, and Dynamics

  4. War and Peace in IR: Actors, Practices, and Observations

  5. On Memory, Culture, and Freedom

  6. Law and Freedoms on the Margins of the EU and Beyond

  7. International Political Economy and Policy Transformations

Each panel included multiple student presentations and was chaired by leading academics who provided valuable feedback and insights. 

Sincere thanks go to the discussants: Marcin Grabowski, Jagiellonian University; Stephen R. Nagy, International Christian University (ICU), Japan; Stefano Guzzini, European University Institute; Marko Kovačević, University of Belgrade; Anna Leander, Geneva Graduate Institute; Renata Summa, University of Groningen; Akos Kopper, Central European University; Mateja Peter, University of St Andrews; Jelena Subotić, Georgia State University; Maria Mälksoo, University of Copenhagen; Petra Roter, University of Ljubljana; Štěpánka Zemanová, Prague University of Economics and Business; Aida A. Hozić, University of Florida; Matt di Giuseppe, Leiden University.

 In total, the panels featured 35 student participants and 14 discussants.

Post-Conference Writing Retreat Summary in Cres

After the ISA-CEEISA conference the CYSI Post-Conference Writing Retreat took place from Friday to Monday. Key activities took place between June 22-23, 2024, at the historic Moise Palace on Cres Island, Croatia. This writing retreat was designed to provide a focused and supportive environment for early career scholars to refine their research papers following feedback received during the CEEISA-ISA joint conference. Key activities included intensive writing sessions where participants worked on their research papers, interactive discussions on the writing process, and sessions focused on understanding and navigating the peer review process. Participants received valuable feedback from mentors and peers, helping them to refine their work and enhance their academic skills. The retreat fostered a collaborative environment, enabling young scholars to develop their ideas, improve their papers, and expand their professional networks.

We are deeply grateful for the invaluable mentorship provided by three remarkable mentors, who joined the retreat: Xymena Kurowska from Central European University, Aida A. Hozić from the University of Florida, and Azra Hromadžić from Syracuse University.

Doctoral workshop at the Centre for International Studies and Development, 3 - 4 July 2023

(Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)

On 3rd and 4th July, Prof. Stefano Guzzini and Prof. Kopper Akos conducted a workshop at the Centre for International Studies and Development (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland), co-sponsored by CEEISA. The workshop was divided into two parts. During the first part, Prof. Guzzini and Prof. Akos analysed the participating PhD students and candidates’ papers, while the second part was devoted to journal publishing – how to successfully submit the paper in a recognised scientific journal. The professors provided valuable remarks and tips for the participants both regarding the papers they submitted and more broadly concerning overall journal publishing.  

The workshop turned out to be a success thanks to the professional approach from both professors and the PhD students’ involvement. The guidance provided by the professors greatly improved the PhD students and candidates’ knowledge and the quality of their papers. It will definitely increase the chances for the participants to be published in recognised scientific journals.

We would like to thank Prof. Stefano Guzzini and Prof. Kopper Akos for their time and commitment, as well as the PhD students and candidates for their participation, discussion and questions.

Ljubljana Workshop on International Relations (LWIR): Meeting of the Emerging Scholars from the CEEISA Doctoral Network and the Region, 4 - 5 May 2023

(Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

The Ljubljana Workshop on International Relations (LWIR) took place on the 4th and 5th of May 2023 and was co-organized in collaboration with the CEEISA Doctoral Network. The workshop brought together a group of doctoral researchers from the CEEISA Doctoral Network and the surrounding region who presented their research and addressed the common needs and challenges faced by doctoral students in the field of international studies. The workshop consisted of two main components: i) conference panels, which provided an opportunity for doctoral students to present their research work, receive valuable feedback and advice from their peers and professors, and ii) workshop sessions dedicated to publishing opportunities and critical thinking about the production of knowledge associated with academic work. These sessions aimed to facilitate discussions on the publishing process, with a unique format that allowed editors from regional journals to directly engage with doctoral students.

The Ljubljana workshop was held parallel to the Student Conference on International Relations organized by the Student Society for International Relations, Globallis, in collaboration with the Chair and Center for International Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana.

Participants: Mario Schäfer, University of Passau Francesco Spera, Unisalento; Leposava Ognjanoska, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje; Marinela Marichikj-Tusheva, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Milan Varda, University of Belgrade Nikola Adamovská, Prague University of Economics and Business Patrycja Pichnicka-Trivedi, University of Warsaw; Ajda Hedžet, University of Ljubljana; Melika Mahmutović, University of Ljubljana

Academic staff: Prof. Dr. Filip Ejdus, University of Belgrade Prof. Dr. Stefano Guzzini, Uppsala University Prof. Dr. Anna Leander, Geneva Graduate Institute Asst. Prof. Faris Kočan, University of Ljubljana Asst. Prof. Jure Požgan, University of Ljubljana, Prof. Rok Zupančič, University of Ljubljana, Asst. Prof. Marko Kovačič, , University of Belgrade

Organizers: Ajda Hedžet, University of Ljubljana Melika Mahmutović, University of Ljubljana