JIRD Special Forum - The responsibility to remain silent? On the politics of knowledge production, expertise and (self-)reflection in Russia’s war against Ukraine


Guest editors: Dr. Olga Burlyuk (University of Amsterdam, UvA) and Dr. Vjosa Musliu (Free University of Brussels, VUB)


This Special Forum is seeking contributions addressing knowledge production and expertise on Russia’s war against Ukraine. We are particularly interested in works that reflect on individual, institutional and disciplinary stratification and authority in debates of and about war; on who can produce knowledge about the war in international, transnational and European political debates and how; and on who needs to hurry and speak loudly and who does or ought to remain silent.

We welcome conventional and creative academic writings in different theoretical and methodological traditions, ranging between 2,000 and 6,000 words. 

Our timeline and process:

-       We welcome expressions of interest accompanied by a 250-word abstract to be submitted to guest editors (Olga Burlyuk o.burlyuk@uva.nl & Vjosa Musliu vjosa.musliu@vub.be ) by 30 October 2022.

-       Guest editors in consultation with JIRD editors will swiftly select the pieces and the prospective authors will be informed about the logistics of the submission process in line with the JIRD’s policy.

-       The deadline for submission of full pieces is no later than 28 February 2023.

-       All pieces will undergo a two-stage peer review: in-house by the editors and by external anonymous peer reviewers.